05 August 2011

Rumour Has It

Music video to Adele's 'Rumour Has It'

20 February 2011

University work.

This is the first short film I've made at university, it's based on the theme of 'time passing'.

"Matt has lost his family, friends and job because of his idleness. As the to- do lists grow and memories of what he once had begin to creep back into his mind can he finally find the motivation to go and sort out his life?"

A picture is worth a thousand words
This was made for my second assignment at university where I had to made a short documentary about myself.

17 February 2011

Our Song.

This video was made in the Christmas holidays, but has taken a while for me to edit and upload. It's a very basic, montage style video based on the official video by Ellie Goulding, but with our own twist... making it 'our song'.


26 August 2010

Giving Up On Love.

I've been so busy with birthday celebrations, A-level results and preparing for university that I haven't had time to film or edit anything lately. So here's a lovely cheesy indie-pop music video for you to feast your eyes on:

(oh and by the way I got 2 A's and a C... I'm going to be studying Film production & media technology at the University of Central Lancashire. It's all very exciting!)

07 June 2010

27 April 2010


I've always loved reading and writing poetry, in fact its the only thing I enjoy about English literature (even though Ive been studying it most of my life!)
I wrote this poem about London a while ago and have always planned to make a short film inspired by it. It's very different to the films I usually make, so I hope the images compliment the poem and it works well as a short film.

At the tube station. People push past.
The greedy ticket machine took my money, then refused to give me the ticket I deserved.
I was ready to complain.
My friend pointed out the sign above the machine. 'Out of order.'
Our first fit of giggles.
More to come.

The escalator. Keep right.
“But why?” my naïve friend exclaimed.

People stand around clutching tube maps.
Hoping, if they stare at it long enough, it will suddenly make sense.
I look at my own.
A maze of multi-coloured spaghetti. There to make your journey 'easy' and 'stress-free'.
I stand for a while.
Bewildered by this amazing piece of art, nobody else sees it this way.
People carelessly glance, then stuff it in their bag.
Never looked at, never admired.
They just see it as a map.
There to help, to do a job.
Nothing else.

I wonder, how can a map be so small, so calm, so simple?
When just a few metres above are the busy, crowed streets of London.
How is that possible?
The stations, what wonderful names.
Each one opens a window to the history of London, and my imagination.
Oxford circus, Piccadilly circus.
Why a circus? What happened there?
I continue reading, fascinated by the reasons for these names.
Baker street, Waterloo, Shoreditch, Old street.

An unnatural wind whistles down the tunnel.
Thousand of breaths, exhaled by early morning commuters.
Forever wondering, haunting the underground.
Never seeing the light of day again.
We stand staring into the darkness.

A mechanical menace approaches.
Suddenly crowds of people appear from nowhere.
Swept into the carriage. No use trying to go against the tide.
Finding a seat is impossible.

The carriage jolts.
Hang onto whatever you can; a handle, a seat, a stranger's arm.
Until they turn round.
My face turns a shade of red. My friends gasp for air, they can't stop laughing.
But we knew behind the laughter was fear.
People looked suspiciously at men with big rucksacks. Why does he keep checking his watch?
The pictures from The BBC news at 6 o'clock haunt us, still.

More people come in, we have to shuffle further, into the main part of the carriage.
I feel I should talk.
Why do people never talk any more? Why is it not seen as socially acceptable?
A simple “Good morning” is seen as a death threat.
I resist temptation.

I look around the carriage.
I imagine I know everyone here, who they are and what they do.
Something glamorous and exciting.
They have to, it's London.
A man with a tailored suit, heading to a very important meeting at Downing Street to talk about the stock exchange, retail index and demographics and other things I've heard on the news but don't understand.
A guy, in his twenties towers above me. Skinny jeans, ripped shirt, leather jacket, trilby. He's going for the 'just got out of bed' look. He must be in a band.
A model so thin, any sudden movements she'd break like a breadstick.
A guy about my age, a magpie's delight, listens to his music, and the rest of the carriage is forced to listen too.
I think about what their lives are like. Where do they live? Who are their friends? Are they really that different to me?
I wish I was them.

My trail of thought is rudely interrupted.
The carriage doors open, we are released. I hope this is our stop.
We go up the escalator. Back into the light of day.
We blink like the newly born.

Swarms of people push past, each one wrapped up in their own lives.
Each one on their own mission.
I look around open mouthed, breath in the London air. I feel like I belong.

Time to shop.
The shops are 5 times bigger here. Primark stretches along the whole street.
People run around picking up shoes, scarves and bags. Because “They're only a couple of quid”
Even though they have another 50 at home.
Not a moment of thought is spared for the children who got paid 50p to make the last blue dress in a size 8, that two women are now fighting over.

People shove past you in the street, don't give it another thought.
Manners do not exist here.

Weak, paper Primark bags bang together.
At least one per person.
Women are mortified as their bags split open to reveal enough £1 knickers to clothe the whole of Africa.

A man sits in a doorway. Asks for loose change.
A woman struts past with her D&G sunglasses, even though its November.
“A bargain, reduced from £200, to £199”
Her sunglasses must be too dark.
As she walks past, her Armani bag hits him.
His £1 worth of coins, scatter across the floor and disappear into the forest of legs.
Never to be seen again.
But she continues walking.
No apology, no look, no reaction.

Newspaper stands on busy corners.
Don't be fooled, they sell more than just newspapers.
Miniature Union Jacks flutter in the wind.
Rows and rows of plastic bulldog figures.
Each with 'made in China' on the bottom.
Tacky hats, scarves, t-shirts and underwear.
ALL with our nations flag printed on.
Proud to be British.

The Sun headline reads: “Shameful British teens abroad”
Proud to be British...?

Camden Market. Where you can wear want you want, do what you want and no one cares.
The only place where you see Goth shops, hippy boutiques and a Nike shoe shop next to each other.
Something doesn't seem quite right.
We float around, in a trance. Hypnotised by what we see.
We aren't here to buy.
Just looking.
We loose ourselves.
Handmade dream catchers chime in the wind, a local DJ plays his R&B tunes.
But somehow it works.

Our stomachs rumble.
We are hit by smells of foods from all over the world: Chinese, Jamaican, French and Indian. All freshly cooked in front of you, each claiming to be more traditional than the other.
So much choice, so many new flavours to explore.
We just have a Mac Donalds.

I sit there eating my Big Mac, slowing blocking my arteries.
I could sit here all day and watch the people go by. The city is full of life.
No green fields, no nosey neighbours that know everything about everyone.
You can be who you want.
My friends have had enough, their feet ache, they've run out of money.
They want to get away from the crowds and the rushing. They miss the clear country air.
Some people feel trapped in London. I feel free.

Driving back home.
The air is clearer, the roads are quieter.
The world seems smaller.
And my opportunities lessen.

-Kim Nunn

14 April 2010

Blue Skies.

With all this nice spring weather we've been having I thought I'd make a nice summery video.

30 March 2010

Tonight I'm not taking no calls
Cause I'll be dancin'.

I have another sneak preview for you!
This is our latest music video, this time we've tried something different.. a parody of Lady Gaga & Beyonce's 'Telephone'.
We've only filmed half and I've only edited this section. So the full version will probably be uploaded in a few weeks.

26 March 2010

Here's a little something I've been working on.

This is a project 'LK Productions' (aka Kim Nunn & Lizzie Smith) are currently working on. Its a documentary/ experimental style film all about the months before and after we turn 18.

As neither of us are yet 18, we still have a lot of filming to do, so this is just a taste of what we have filmed so far.
The full version probably wont be uploaded until October some time.
Hope you enjoy the teaser trailer, Feedback is welcome.

28 January 2010

No more dreaming like a girl
So in love with the wrong world.

Florence and the machine- Blinding.

In this music video we tried to create a magical, dream-like world by using effects such as; High contrast, slow motion, reverse motion..etc to reflect the lyrics and music.
I think the contrast of the dark real world and the bright colours in the 'dream world' work really well. I was really pleased with how the reverse motion looks, as its a new effect I haven't tried before.

16 January 2010

Showreel 2009/10.

A showreel to show my work for 2009/10.
Most the videos/short films featured can be found in full on my blog.
But some are still being filmed and edited and will be published soon!

I've had so much fun making all these videos, and I'd like to think my skills in filming and editing have improved from making 'Always like this' and 'London weather' to the short film I'm now working on called '18'
I'd like to thank all my actors (who are usually the same two people)
I could never make any of this without you x

13 January 2010

London Weather.

Doesn't time fly when you're having fun?
This time last year I was filming and editing my media AS project, I had to make a 2 minute opening for a film. Mine was a social realist film: I wanted to create a gritty, realistic setting. With a realistic main character which the audience could relate to. In the opening 2 minutes there is little dialogue, so I used music to reflect the mood of the main character.

I got an A for this coursework which I was really pleased with, and I hope to finish making the rest of the film some day.

05 January 2010

Youtube will make me famous.

It's scary how popular our 'Always like this' video is becoming.

The band (Bombay bicycle club) made a competition for people to make a video of themselves dancing to the song and upload it to youtube. They were then going to watch them all and choose the winner.
However there was only two entries (us and some American girls who danced in their car for most the video) So we think the competition was cancelled as we didn't hear about it again.

But now the video has 38,913 views.
124 ratings.
and has been favourited 285 times.

I think that's pretty good going for a video we made for a laugh!
Here's some of the best (and funniest) comments we've had so far...

'haha this is epicly good.'

'You really shouldn't be having so much fun with insufficiently sturdy footwear. Mark my words young people, a sprained ankle will soon wipe the smile off your face. Otherwise very good, carry on.'

'This video makes me feel happyyy, you look like you're having loads of fun and this song is amazing. It really works!'

'Quality tune, funny video too top marks to the ladies dancing their arses of .10 out a 10 for effort.'

'You guys just helped me to feel so much better. I have never heard of the band but the music is great. I will add them to my list of new music to get.
Thank you so much for the much needed uplift.'

'It captures what Indie's all about!'

Lets hope there's more to come :)

03 January 2010

Bye Bye 09.

It's a bit late to be going on about the new year, as its now been a good 3 days of 2010.
But I just haven't had time to blog, however I did have enough time to use my new editing software which I LOVE- its sony vegas studio 9 (platinum version) fancy or what? ;)
So here is a 2009 montage I made..

With the upbeat music and use of photos and video clips I really think this short video sums up what a fun year 09 has been. 2010 means more filming, more editing and (hopefully) getting a little bit closer to where I want to be.

Here's to 2010.

11 December 2009

Media Geek.
(and proud)

This is my music video for my A2 media coursework...

It's taken me a while to film and edit. But finally its done!
I'm quite proud of it, but there's a few little bits that still annoy me (But I'm never 100% happy with any of my work!)
The feedback I've got so far is really positive, and hopefully it'll help me get the A I desperately want!
Now all I need to do is create a CD cover and poster for a music magazine. So that should be fun :)

-My media studies blog: http://kima2media.blogspot.com/

06 December 2009

I said hey, girl with one eye
Get your filthy fingers out of my pie.

Girl with one eye music video

Me & Lizzie filmed this on Saturday, and I spent last night and most of tonight editing it.
I'm really proud of this one.
I've had the idea to make a Gothic & sinister video to this song for ages. The lyrics and Florence's voice is so powerful and I was determined to express this in the video. The storyline of jealously, hatred, violence and murder reflects the mood of the song well. The creepy/Victorian style setting and black & white effect adds to the sinister mood too.

I have ideas to make more videos to Florence's songs, some of the album tracks are in desperate need for visual partners!

24 November 2009

Encounters short film festival.

Last Friday me and Lizzie went to Bristol for the encounters short film festival.
It was such a good day, we saw some really interesting films and got loads of information on other festivals and competitions.

Throughout the day we did a video blog, and here it is..

The festival has really inspired me to make more short films, I've already made one and have been planning some others. But seeing films on the screen that have been made on low budgets really made me realise I can do it myself!

12 November 2009

I make films too you know.

Saturday: A short film
The first short film from LK productions.

I am SO proud of this.
I've had the idea for a while, but just haven't had the time to make it. But now I only work Sundays I can film all I want :) And what better way to start than a depressing social realist film called 'Saturday'?

I'm planning on making other short films, called 'Sunday' 'Monday' etc. Each film will show a day in the life of a different character. There will be similar themes running throughout all the films, such as; teenage characters, realistic settings, music to represent characters feelings and similar cinematography.

Just call me Blogger McBloggerston.

Got loads of things to post on here, need to show all my previous work...
You ready for this jelly?

Bombay Bicycle Club- Always like this

This video was just a bit of fun that me and Vicky made for a competition (which did'nt even happen in the end!) Didn't think it would become so popular on youtube.

But I guess everyone loves a pair of idiots dancing around in public places!

Sweet Reality

This is another music video we made for a competiton, which didn't happen! Appartently there's not enough people in worcester that like to dance around in fields and make music videos.
The song is by 'Becky Rose' and I thought it was really happy and summery. So I aimed to give the video a bright, summery, happy feel to work with the music.
I think it works.

Dust on the ground

This is the first music video I've made that has more of a story line, and doesn't just involve us dancing around in a field!
The video is supposed to have a magical and mysterious feel. The girls fall through a hedge to find themselves in a 'unkown world' at first they are curious and explore, but then their curiousity turns into fear as they realise they are being watched.

11 November 2009

Let's have a go then.

I'm going to do this blog thing.
I'll post all my short films and music videos in the hope that some day, some how it'll make me a director.

Well thats the dream, lets see what happens shall we.....